RIBs for sale
When it comes to finding your perfect boat bigger isn't always better. Owning a RIB is a great way to get on the water, whether you're looking to replace your current boat, or you just want to try something new.
Because all RIBs aren't made equal, we've pulled together our top picks to help make your decision a little bit easier.
Recently reduced
Boats under £20,000
A great RIB alternative
RIBs under £40,000
Get the complete package with an SBS trailer
As part of the boatfolk family, we're able to give you an exclusive offer on SBS trailers.
Buy a new SBS trailer through boatcare, our boat repairs, maintenance, and parts division and get one free launch and recovery at any of our boatfolk marinas across the UK (where this service is available).
Interested? Simply mention the trailer to our boatpoint team when enquiring about a RIB, or if it's just the trailer you're after you can get in touch with our boatcare team directly.